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加拿大滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo
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来源:本站原创  点击率: 发布:2012-01-11


省滑铁卢。(周一,2011年12月12日) - 连续第二年,从刚毕业的大学生在滑铁卢​​大学的会计及财务(SAF),学校先后荣获国家和省特许会计师统一的期末考试金牌( UFE)。

朱莉安娜的滑铁卢的会计程序(MACC)硕士元朗赢得了著名的州长一般抯站在UFE在加拿大的最高金奖和安大略省金奖。会计专业团体认为,在世界上最具挑战性的的专业考试UFE之一。顶标配备了5,000元的现金奖。去年,玉萍坳(MACC 10)达到同样高的成就。



MACC和文凭课程主任戴维 - 韦尔,2011年UFE成功的情况下取得的所有SAF毕业生表示祝贺。





会计及金融学院是在英语为母语的加拿大最大的专业学校 。成立于1981年,学校提供本科和研究生课程旨在提供学生的能力,敬业精神和实践经验,他们需要在自己选择的职业生涯到Excel 。学校提供本科合作社计划,会计,财务和计算和财务管理 。它还提供会计,税务及博士课程在会计硕士课程。有关详细信息,关于滑铁卢大学

在短短的半个世纪中,滑铁卢,位于加拿大的科技三角的心脏,大学已成为加拿大领先的30000全职和兼职学生在本科和研究生课程的综合性大学之一。滑铁卢,作为世界上最大的大专合作教育计划,包括其连接,向世界和鼓励在学习,研究和发现进取的伙伴关系 。在未来十年中,大学是致力于建设一个为加拿大和世界更好地倡导有关今天和明天的需求来创建解决方案的创新和协作的未来。

University of Waterloo grad wins gold medals in national accounting competition

WATERLOO, Ont. (Monday, Dec. 12, 2011) - For the second consecutive year, a recent graduate from the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) at the University of Waterloo has won the national and provincial gold medals for the Chartered Accountancy Uniform Final Examination (UFE).

Juliana Yuen of Waterloo's Master of Accounting program (MAcc) won the prestigious Governor General抯 Gold Medal and the Ontario Gold Medal for having the highest standing in Canada on the UFE. Accounting professional groups consider the UFE one of the most challenging professional examinations in the world. The top mark comes with a cash prize of $5,000. Last year, Vicky Au (MAcc �10) reached the same high achievement.

揂 year ago to the day of results, I had spoken to Vicky Au, congratulating her on her success, and she had told me that she thought I could do it too,� said Yuen. 揑'm just happy to be able to represent Waterloo, and I would love to be able to encourage the upcoming classes to strive as high.�

A total of seven MAcc graduates won places on the respected 52-member National Honour Roll. SAF is planning a celebration for all of the honourees on Jan. 10, 2012.

Dave Vert, Director of the MAcc and Diploma programs extended congratulations to all SAF graduates who achieved success on the 2011 UFE.

揟he class of 2011 had amazing results and to have one of our grads taking gold for the second year in a row is icing on the cake,� he said.

The three-day examination is a critical component of the CA qualification program. It assesses a person抯 knowledge, ability to think analytically, and gauges their professional judgment and ethics. In addition to the UFE, the CA qualification program requires a person to successfully complete prescribed practical work experience before they may use the internationally recognized CA designation.

Image: Juliana Yuen, UFE medal recipient.

About the School of Accounting and Finance

The School of Accounting and Finance is the largest professional school of its kind in English-speaking Canada. Established in 1981, the school offers undergraduate and graduate programs designed to provide students with the competencies, professionalism and practical experience they need to excel in their chosen careers. The school offers undergraduate co-op programs in accounting, finance and computing and financial management. It also offers masters programs in accounting and taxation and a PhD program in accounting. For more details, go to saf.uwaterloo.ca.

About the University of Waterloo

In just half a century, the University of Waterloo, located at the heart of Canada's Technology Triangle, has become one of Canada's leading comprehensive universities with 30,000 full- and part-time students in undergraduate and graduate programs. Waterloo, as home to the world's largest post-secondary co-operative education program, embraces its connections to the world and encourages enterprising partnerships in learning, research and discovery. In the next decade, the university is committed to building a better future for Canada and the world by championing innovation and collaboration to create solutions relevant to the needs of today and tomorrow. For further 



加拿大滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo

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